Jeff Clegg
Board Member
Jeff Clegg moved to Jerome in 1999 when he became the general manager of Redfish Lake Lodge in Stanley, Idaho. Along with his wife, Audra, and their six children, he has spent his summers in the beautiful Sawtooth Mountains and his winters in the incredible “warmth” of the people of Jerome. Jeff has a Bachelor’s of Communications from Brigham Young University. He was born and raised in Soda Springs, Idaho. Prior to moving to Jerome, he was the District Retail Manager for Franklin Quest Co. (now Franklin Covey Co.) for 8 years in Utah. He is also the general manager of the Redfish Riverside Inn, Stanley High Country Inn, and the Triangle C Cabins located in Stanley. He has been on the board of the Stanley Chamber of Commerce for 18 years, the Sawtooth Valley Meditation Chapel, and is on the Board of Directors of the Sawtooth Society. He loves the goodness of Jerome and has loved seeing his children educated in the Jerome School District.